We’ve been playing around with the Linux Terminal Server Project for a while now and Some who I used to work with managed to get it up and running on a few different Linux boxes! At the time we were running a primarily Windows Terminal…
OverDrive Media Console Incompatible with New Apple iOS 5
Overall my experience with the new Apple iOS 5 on my iPod Touch has been a positive one. All of the main applications on the device are compatible and the device is still quite responsive and snappy. There is one problem that I have however……
Help Prospective Mothers in Papua New Guinea
Sometimes it’s amazing how much you can help, through something so little… In rural Papua New Guinea one in seven women die in childbirth! Yep, that’s right, 1 in 7 women die in childbirth! That’s a shocking statistic to say the least. To give birth…
The Best EQ Setting on the iPod for Country Music
Using the default headphones that came with my iPod Touch 2G I did not really notice mich of a difference between the Music EQ settings. My left headphone stopped working recently though so I picked up a much better pair of headphones, and now I…
Post Your Facebook Status to Twitter
There are some great tools out there that let you post your twitter updates to Facebook. But, some people want to go the other way and post their Facebook Status to Twitter. Here is one way that you can do that quite easily: Get the…
Does Google Index the Content in iFrames?
Over at an article about Ads on GoDaddy Free Hosting we were asked: … do you think ifreames effect the indexing of other pages on the site? While a bot is crawling the page will it see the iframe first and fucking on viagra crawl…