I came across this very useful shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+R) by accident. I was working on a ship, where I setup a small network with a Mobile Broadband connection. I noticed that all the graphics where downgraded to a lower resolution, which in some aspect is good…
Skype installation on Suse SLED
I’ve just installed the SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop SLED 10 on my Laptop and had a hard time trying to install Skype on it. It come up with a whole load of dependency problems and even after installing all the required libraries it still didn’t…
Magic ISO and Thinkpads do not mix
Having just spent the last hour restoring my computer, I have come to the conclusion that a Thinkpad T60 and magiciso are not a great combination . I wanted to use magiciso to create a virtual drive to load an iso I downloaded, without burning…
Legal threats halt iPhone crack
A British firm’s plan to sell software that could open the iPhone to non-US networks has been put on hold following legal threats. Last week, Belfast-based UniquePhones joined several others in claiming it had cracked the code which locked iPhone into AT&T’s network. But a…
“Internal GDS Software Consistency Check” Error in FeedReader
This morning my computer had problems on bootup and shut down. After starting the computer back up again I have the following error when trying to run FeedReader: Internal GDS Software Consistency Check When I had a look in feedreader most of my feeds were…
Linking your WordPress Blog to Facebook
Do you blog on a WordPress server? Do you use Facebook? Want to announce your blogs on Facebook automatically? If so, then this little app is definitely for you! Easy to install and elegant to configure, Rob at tsaiberspace.net is to be commended.