Changing the language of your compuer / keyboard

I often get asked how to change the language of a keyboard on a laptop. We have many people who work in our organisation from the US and so they come here with their computers and are unable to put a £ sign on their…

Technology for the greater good

For the first time in a while today I have been impressed by the use of technology for a positive purpose. Amazon together with google earth have come together to search for the Steve Fosset – the pilot that crashed in the Nevada desert several…

Reload (override cache) on Firefox and IE

I came across this very useful shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+R) by accident. I was working on a ship, where I setup a small network with a Mobile Broadband connection. I noticed that all the graphics where downgraded to a lower resolution, which in some aspect is good…

Skype installation on Suse SLED

I’ve just installed the SUSE Linux Enterprise Desktop SLED 10 on my Laptop and had a hard time trying to install Skype on it. It come up with a whole load of dependency problems and even after installing all the required libraries it still didn’t…

The New IPod Touch

The new IPod (Touch) released by Apple has the look and feel of an IPhone. It comes with either 8 or 16GB, which is not much really, but for the early adopters (aka gadget enthusiasts) it’s a must have. I have collated some of the…

Linux Commands

I did a search on google search for “Linux Commandline” looking for some simple linux commands to do some work on my home Debian based (Kurumin) linux distro, and I came across this list of usefull commands. Interesting fact that a lot of other sites…