Everyone is talking about it! But do we actually know what Web 2.0 means? Even when looking at jobs advertised in the UK one finds that companies require web developers to have “experience in Web 2.0”, which I find quite interesting. So what’s Web 2.0?…
UWB Approved in the UK
Ofcom (the telecoms regulator in the UK) has just approved the use of Ultrawideband (UWB). This technology connects devices within a radius of about 30 metres at 2 gigabits per second. This means that devices such as TVs and DVD players would not need interconnecting…
Lenovo to offer Linux on laptops
Lenovo, one of the world’s biggest PC manufacturers, is to start selling laptops to business and consumers with Linux pre-installed on the machines. Linux is a free, open source operating system developed as an alternative to systems such as Microsoft’s Windows. Novell will provide the…
How to backup your computer’s information
– a tutorial on backups I dont think you can ever realise how important it is to backup your files until the first time you lose them… I have had many people ask for me to recover data from a crashed computer because they have…
Google sidesteps mobile reports
Google has refused to deny mounting speculation that it is working to produce its own brand mobile phone. Reports suggest that the web giant is developing a series of”GPhones”, centred on its mobile services, such as search, e-mail and maps. In a statement, Google…
Microsoft – Everybody’s Whipping Boy
Why is it that when Apple or Google do something good everyone cheers, but when Microsoft does it people complain and sue them? Take the search function of Vista for example: Mac creates Spotlight and everyone raves about it. Microsoft create what would have to…