How to setup a cron job on a Linux server? I’ve designed a smal PHP aplication that administers my DHCP server and I neded to add a cron job so a script would remove computers from my MAC filtering enabled DHCP. I just set a…
web developers toolbar messes with gmail in firefox
Recently I have been having a problem with my gmail account in firefox. When I clicked on a link in an email it would try and open the new url in a new tab unsuccessfully. What was happening was when I would click on the…
Windows Power Toys – Resizing photos
Sometimes you just want to quickly resize a photo to send on an email, post on a blog or share on your instant messaging programme like MSN. Wouldn’t it be nice to have a simple tool that let’s you right-click on a photo and have…
OpenMoko – OpenSource based phone
OpenMoko is the World’s First Integrated Open Source Mobile. I came across this project at the begining of the year and have been following it’s development since. OpenMoko is a GNU / Linux based open software development platform. Developers have full access to OpenMoko source…
One laptop per child project underway
The One Laptop Per Child project ( appears to be gathering momentum, with production under way and orders starting to come in. Nicknamed the $100 laptop – at the moment the actual price will be around $175. The hope is, however, that as orders increase,…
Removing Programs from Windows Startup
Users often notice that after a few weeks of buying a new computer it starts to run slower and the boot process takes a lot longer than when it was turned on for the first time. There are programs like Apple QuickTIme, Realplayer, JavaRT and…