What’s In Your Windows Quick Launch Toolbar?

I have seen some pretty massive Quick Launch Toolbars in my time servicing Windows computers. Some of them take up the entire width of the screen, and then some. In my Windows Quick Launch Toolbar I try to keep it to only six applications. Currently…

How To Uninstall Registry Booster

I made a stupid mistake today on my new laptop and installed a registry cleaner without doing my research. The program that I installed was Registry Booster by Uniblue. I wanted a free program to use on the new laptop, but Registry Booster is only…

File Conversion

Converting fies from one medium to another can be a challenge – especially with so many formats floating around. I have however come accross a wonderful site www.zamzar.com . At this site you can convert documents (such as pdf to word), audio files (such as…

Connect Multiple Remote Desktops in Mac OSX

One of the IT guys in our office is running an Apple Mac Laptop, even though most of the network is Windows Server 2003 and Windows XP Professional based. It has always been cialis professional generico a problem for him when he administers the servers…