Looking at Linux Terminal Server Project (LTSP)

We’ve been playing around with the Linux Terminal Server Project for a while now and Some who I used to work with managed to get it up and running on a few different Linux boxes! At the time we were running a primarily Windows Terminal…

Help Prospective Mothers in Papua New Guinea

Sometimes it’s amazing how much you can help, through something so little… In rural Papua New Guinea one in seven women die in childbirth! Yep, that’s right, 1 in 7 women die in childbirth! That’s a shocking statistic to say the least. To give birth…

Convert vcards to csv in bulk

There are several ways to convert vcards to csv on the web – but most only do one card at a time. I recently needed to transfer about 400 vcards into one csv file for a mail-merge – so one at a time was not…

Login failed in Outlook connect for Salesforce

Salesforce has a plugin for Microsoft Outlook that is fantastic to use – called Outlook Connect. However when I first set it up – the login would fail and lock the user out. In order to prevent this happening you not only need to enter…

Editting tabs in Salesforce

I have just started using Salesforce (and i LOVE it!) and will be writing little tips about how to do certains things. There are good resources on the salesforce site – but some of the things I will write here I have found it hard…